
Below, are printable tracts which are available for your use. These downloadable documents are free for your use and distribution. Some of these tracts have different versions of color usage, which are noted as high, medium and low color use. These are designed to be given to SDA members who may open to think about issues surrounding Adventism. These tracts are made available in PDF format. If you would like to submit your own documents to us, please use the Contact Form. We also would appreciate any feed from you on your experiences using these tracts.

1844 Issues

Where Did Jesus Go on October 22, 1844?" -- Do You Know? (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

Sabbath Questions

Sabbath Questions Tract (High Color) -- Questions About the Sabbath Issue.

Sabbath Questions Tract (Med Color) -- Questions About the Sabbath Issue.

Sabbath Questions Tract (Low Color) -- Questions About the Sabbath Issue.

Investigative Judgement

The Investigative Judgment And The Believer (High Color) -- An Examination of this Doctrine in light of the teaching of Christ.

The Investigative Judgment And The Believer (Med Color) -- An Examination of this Doctrine in light of the teaching of Christ.

The Investigative Judgment And The Believer (Low Color) -- An Examination of this Doctrine in light of the teaching of Christ.

Security or Insecurity?

Eternal Insecurity? -- Just How Insecure Are You in Christ?

Order In the Court: He says, She says!

Order In The Court (High Color) -- An Examination of Ellen White v.s. The Bible. This is a 'He Said' v.s. 'She Said' comparison on various SDA topics. (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

Order In The Court (Med Color) -- An Examination of Ellen White v.s. The Bible. This is a 'He Said' v.s. 'She Said' comparison on various SDA topics. (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

Order In The Court (Low Color) -- An Examination of Ellen White v.s. The Bible. This is a 'He Said' v.s. 'She Said' comparison on various SDA topics. (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

Order In The Court (Medium Color in Spanish) -- An Examination of Ellen White v.s. The Bible. This is a 'He Said' v.s. 'She Said' comparison on various SDA topics. (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

Order In The Court (Low Color in Spanish) -- An Examination of Ellen White v.s. The Bible. This is a 'He Said' v.s. 'She Said' comparison on various SDA topics. (Prints on 8.5x14 Sheets)

How to be Lost!

What Must I Do To Be Lost -- The Second Most Important Question For A Believer.

What Must I Do To Be Lost -- The Second Most Important Question For A Believer (8.5x11 Format).

The Grace of God

The Grace of God Experience -- A real story from the life of Marshall Almarode which demonstrates the Grace of God in a tangible experience. This story brilliantly shows that human effort is excluded from God's Grace.

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An examination of the "Investigative Judgment" doctrine by Dale Ratzlaff

Investigative Judgment Doctrine

Dr. Talbot--An Evangelical Theologian evaluates Adventism from a Biblical Perspective.

Is Adventism Evangelical?

The struggle of a life-long Adventist Pastor --Greg Taylor-- as he decides to leave Adventism.

The New Covenant

If I am saved by God, how can I lose eternal life?

What must I do to be lost?

1844 Probation and Satan as Scape Goat Doctrine -- Cultic Doctrine (Video Link)

Watch the Video Now!